Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Biohazard Cleanup of a Hoarder Home

Biohazard Cleanup of a Hoarder Home
You may know someone who is a bit of a pack-rat or have even seen the television show, “Hoarders,” but cleaning up a biohazardous hoarder home is a necessity in order to avoid dangerous illnesses and make the home suitable for human habitation.

We’ve seen incidents of hoarding lead to dangerous quarantines due to the possibility of contracting a deadly virus, like when crew members of the TLC television show, “Hoarding: Buried Alive,” showed signs of having the Hantavirus after cleaning biohazardous material in a home. Other cases such as being buried alive under mountains of trash can happen; an elderly couple in Chicago died under mounds of garbage that had accumulated and overtaken the space in their home. However, these were extreme cases. Yes, they do happen. And yes, PuroClean of South Charlotte will be there to help sanitize and deodorize once the clutter has been removed.

If things like animal feces or bodily fluids are present in the home, you simply cannot hose it down and assume it is clean. It needs to be handled delicately and by a professional biohazard specialist who has the correct equipment and chemicals to properly sanitize the home.

It is recommended that carpets that are clearly damaged beyond repair be removed prior to cleaning the home. Any furniture, trash or contents of the hoard that cannot be salvaged must go. Using an enzyme based cleaner to deodorize the home in full protective equipment gear is necessary to stop the possible spread of diseases like the Hantavirus, staph viruses like MRSA and Hepatitis or HIV.

Using cleaners like hydroxyls will help clean the air, but it should be made clear that even if we properly sanitize the home, the odor may persist. That being said, we will make sure everything is sanitized so that people may safely inhabit the home. For more information on biohazard cleaning, contact PuroClean of South Charlotte at (704) 644-8686 or visit our website at

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