Monday, June 30, 2014

If You're Going On Vacation...

You’re looking forward to the sandy beach, ocean cruise or family get together. The last thing on your mind is the home you’re leaving behind for a couple weeks. Unfortunately, home disasters can occur when the house is left empty. Here are some quick tips for things you can do before you leave to help keep your home safer.
If you plan to be away from your home for an extended period of time, turn off the main water supply inside your home.  A major leak would be catastrophic if there is no one home to deal with it.  If you do experience a water event while you’re away, turning off the water main will help to minimize the damage.
When going away on vacation during the spring or summer months, turn the thermostat up, but don’t turn the air conditioner off.  The A/C system helps remove moisture from your home, excessively high temperatures in your home can result in damage to furniture and flooring while promoting mold growth.
When traveling during the winter, do the opposite.  Turn the thermostat down, but don’t turn off the furnace completely, as this may put your pipes in danger of freezing.
Before you leave, unplug everything, but the refrigerator, freezer, and the lights or other items you have set on timers.
Setting your hot water heater on the lowest heat setting possible will keep it functioning at a minimum level and will save you money on your energy bills that you can use for your next vacation.
Leave keys with a neighbor to check your home if there are severe weather conditions while you're away. (Have them take in the mail and paper occasionally, too.) Addressing problems caused by severe weather promptly can minimize damage.
Finally, enjoy your time away. We all need a break and you know we’re just a phone call away if a problem should arise.

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