Wednesday, October 29, 2014

How to Prevent a Chimney Fire

How to Prevent a Chimney Fire
Now that summer is over and fall is in full swing with winter right around the corner, you might be making use of your fireplace. While newer homes may have the simplicity of a light-switch fireplace, owners of older homes need to be aware that a chimney is not maintenance free. It needs to be regularly checked and cleaned so chimney fires do not destroy your home.

The consequence of an uncleaned chimney means creosote will build up and catch fire. A regular chimney cleaning by a professional  chimney sweep will prevent this build up. After the fire has been put out, PuroClean of South Charlotte knows how to help clean up the damage.

There are two different kinds of chimney fires - slow burning and free burning. A slow burning chimney fire burns at a slower pace and can cause more structural damage to your chimney and home while a free burning chimney fire is impossible to go unnoticed. Massive amounts of smoke and noise (some say like a freight train or airplane) will come from your chimney.

To prevent these from happening, regularly check your chimney and have the creosote removed. Dried and/or seasoned wood are the only thing that should be burned in your chimney. No kerosene or gasoline, cardboard boxes, or wrapping paper should be used either. Dry kindling or clean newspaper are the safer option to ignite your fires.

If chimney fire happens in your home, PuroClean of South Charlotte will help reduce the damage the fire may have caused.

Monday, October 20, 2014

Simple Tips for Cleaning a Small Mold Infestation

Simple Tips for Cleaning a Small Mold Infestation
Small mold infestation may not be a homeowners biggest concerns, but they are nothing to scoff at or ignore. They may not even require PuroClean of South Charlotte’s help...if they’re small enough.

For homeowners with asthma, allergies or respiratory issues, calling a professional is recommended. If you decide to clean the area yourself, be sure to take the proper safety precautions. This includes wearing non-porous (nylon or latex) gloves and a N95 dust mask during clean up. This will help to prevent contamination and the inhalation of mold spores.

Non-porous surfaces can be cleaned using a combination of liquid dishwashing detergent (i.e. Joy or Dawn), warm water and a terry cloth rag. Mix the detergent with the warm water and wet the the terry cloth rag. The rag should be damp, not saturated. Then wipe down the affected surfaces. The dishwashing detergent has a surface abrasive (surfactant) that will help remove the mold’s hypae (root structure) during the cleaning process.

If the mold has grown on porous surfaces such as linen or fabric materials, it probably can’t be saved. In many cases, the best option for mold-infested porous material is to discard it. Light surface growth on drywall can be cleaned; however, heavier growth often requires the removal of the affected material. Any implements used during clean-up (i.e. rags and gloves) should be properly disposed.

If you encounter an infestation of mold in your home that requires professional assistance, be sure to call PuroClean of South Charlotte.

Friday, October 10, 2014

Steps to Take When Cleaning Up After a Flood

Steps to Take When Cleaning Up After a Flood

If your neighborhood has been hit by a flash flood and you are one of the unfortunate few that experiences flood damage, don’t panic! There are steps you can take to ease the process of cleaning up your home before we arrive.

Be aware that you only have 24 to 36 hours to stop the threat of mold and bacteria from growing in your home.

First off, call PuroClean of South Charlotte and your insurance agent as soon as possible. While you wait for them to arrive and give you more instruction and advice, unplug and salvage whatever electronics, furniture, rugs, carpets, etc, you can before the removal of the water. Be sure to take precautions and wear protective gear to protect yourself from contaminants.

Whether your basement has been flooded with three feet of water or your living room in an inch, use whatever you can - mops, buckets, water pumps - to drain your home excessive amounts of water. During this process, take pictures of all damage.

Next, remove all of your valuables. Don’t throw anything away before your insurance representative has arrived. Once they have been contacted, start the drying out process. Use what you can - fans, dehumidifiers, open the windows (if whether is permitting) - to ventilate your home and dry out any moisture you can.

When PuroClean of South Charlotte arrives, they will take it from there to check your home for mold and quickly remove signs of damage to keep you and your family safe.